Friday, January 8, 2010

My Almighty But...or is that Butt?!

So here it is Friday, January 8th and I find myself at the end of a pretty good week. I made it to Cardinal Fitness on Saturday, Monday & Wednesday (with the commitment to go tonight after work and tomorrow morning) and I did the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt workout DVD on Tuesday night - Jillian kicked my butt. Food has been pretty OK, but I'm finding I have a soft spot for fat free Vanilla cappuchino. And trust me, I'm not fooling myself thinking that because it's fat free it can be classified as a health food. It's an indulgence, and one day at a time I'm slowly going to wean myself off them.

It's been odd, not filling up on candy and sweets. The entire month of December - oh hell, throw November in there too - was a disaster, My compulsion was in full-effect and the loss of control was at an all time high. For the life of me I can't figure out why I can resist it now but I couldn't in those disastrous months. I can't guarantee that I'm not going to have a slip in the next hour, day or week. It's the unpredictability of it that I wish I could understand. Especially, since this week I received an upsetting and frustrating phone call that I wasn't expecting. Miraculously, I didn't run to the comfort of Junior Mints or Red vines. Not sure why I was able to handle it this time around.

Subway has been my friend this week too. It's good to know that there is such a healthy option out there especially when you don't cook. I mean, I'd love to be able to cook and prepare meals everyday, but (there's my almighty but...not to be confused with my other almighty butt ;) ) life is hectic, and unpredictable. At least I can do Subway, or know I can grab a baked potato and grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy's. Like I learned many years ago at Fitness Together, it's about making the best choice out of the options in front of you.

I did hurt my wrist this week moving some cases of paper at work, so any kind of weight/resistance training is off the schedule for now - I'm guessing at least a week, It's hurting pretty bad, but I'll work through it. I can still do cardio, and utilize the treadmill and elliptical more.

I found a great treadmill workout that I've been doing all week - it really has pushed me and I've loved doing it. I even ran on the treadmill for the first time in a long time. It'll be a while before I'm running any long distances, but it gives me something positive to work toward and envision myself doing. I'm already planning (at least in my head) to do the Storm the Bastille 5K again in July. I'm thinking my goal will be to run half of it and walk half of it.

In my 20 minutes workout I work up a pretty good sweat. Next week, I'm going to increase the speeds. The following week, I'm going to increase my time to 25 minutes. Long term goal is 35-40 minutes on the treadmill 4 to 5 days a week. I'm trying to ease into it so I don't over-do it, get too sore, and then get frustrated. One day at a time.

I've gotta keep reminding myself that the weight didn't come back on in a week, and I'm not going to lose it in a week. I need to work hard, be strong, trust in the process, keep praying and keep working on believing in myself. I've done it before and I can do it again.

Much Love,

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